Emergency Contraception

On request of the emergency contraceptive  Norlevo® 1.5mg, one of our pharmacists will take you through a short questionnaire in private. This will determine whether it is suitable for you to take it. If for any reason it is not suitable, we will refer you to your GP.

Why might it not be suitable for me to take this medicine?

Some of the reasons it may not be suitable to supply Norlevo® 1.5mg include:

  • too much time has passed for the medicine to be effective (more than 72 hours)
  • you are underage (under 17 years old)
  • you are taking other medicines that interact with Norlevo® 1.5mg
  • you have an existing medical condition that means it is not safe to take Norlevo®1.5mg
  • your last period was irregular in some way.

If I am suitable to take the medicine, what happens?

You will be supplied with the medication, along with advice from the pharmacist on how it should be taken. Your pharmacist will also offer you advice on the options available for long-term methods of contraception. We will give you information on STIs and the importance of safe-sex in protecting yourself and your partner.

How much does this service cost?

The cost of this service in all care pharmacies is €20.00. You will not be charged any fee if the pharmacist finds that it is unsafe to supply you with the medicine.